Business Phone : 810 - 422 - 5260
Cell Phone : 810 - 813 - 3822
Bryan L. Spencer
President / Consultant
Find Your You-nique
The wonders I see in me, The great things I do,
The unique, special and dynamic of me, are all a part of me, and
My Exceptionality
Take control of
Where does your motivation lay – what incites you – what do you respond to. Really, as it depends on you – and no one else.
It’s inside of you, its part of you, and it’s not what you have; it’s who you are.
What can I imagine based on this thing?
What do I need to make this work?
What is the expression of this that shows I did it? I did me, and it’s MINE.
Schedule Free
a Better Self.
"I say 'the one', to be the one, unique and special, is the one me I should be. Undeterred, released to the expression of the true person that lies within. Not the cover of the societal imposed look alike, the box where one size fits all, but the freedom of the deep; the real depth from the discovery of the treasure that is me".
turning fear
Why have we let life experiences take away the joy in our hearts, replacing it with fear, anxiety, jealousy, and a drive to be better than him or her? What happened to the deep reservoir of joy and excitement that was waiting to be excavated daily?
Discover the joy of going forward and looking back with glee over what you have accomplished and with anticipation for what lies ahead.